November 30, 2008
Our Thanksgiving Weekend
November 26, 2008
Leap of Faith
Paris was timid and took a few months before she'd jump from Malcolm to my across the "great divide." Carlie Jean, bless her simple heart, was almost a year old before she'd do it, and she still has to rock back and forth a few times before she takes the plunge.
Ella now has a couple of nick-names. Malcolm refers to her as the "black baldy," because she looks like a black baldy calf (though she has some spots coming in on her face that will remedy that.) He also calls her "flea" which is kind of cute. But more often he calls her "the demon," in loving tones of course. And I have to admit she often lives up to that name, though she is extremly loving and sweet too. She has more spunk and confidence than either of the other two..of whom Paris hid under the kitchen table for teh first week, and Carlie Jean to this day waits for permission to jump on the bed before she'll do so.
My name for Ella I created yesterday....Ella Minnow P. Ok, don't laugh but it comes from the abc song. You know....A, B, C, D, E, F, G. H, I, J, K, elliminnowpee. I don't know how old I was when I figured out that those were letters and not a word in the song. Anyway, Ella Minnow has to P frequently, get the idea. Speaking of...she just left a little puddle. Excuse me a moment...
Ok, I'm back.
We're in Yuma, AZ and our last appointment is at 4:00am, not that we'll be loaded by then. So obviously we WON'T be getting home in time to have Thanksgiving. In fact we may very well be having Subway, since thats about the only option there is on I-15. But thats OK, cause it makes it a less guilt ridden, though brief, break next time we're home. We've been on produce since we went back to work after our last break. The cattle shipping has come to a screeching halt for some reason, maybe the holiday. But Steve put us on produce, which is fine. Its a little less action, but we get some rest while we wait at various shippers and it changes things up a little which is always nice.
As you can see in a couple of the picutres, Miss Ella Minnow has her ears up already though I still keep her taped because her ears don't stay up. They'll droop after almost a full day of untaped. She threw off her tape, again, a little eariler so I snapped a few pictures before I retape them! I've learned that its easier if I wait for her to get tired and fall asleep. She doesnt' fight as much. She's getting close to that point as we speak.
She's tired now becuase she had a traumatizing experience earlier when we locked her in the kennel while we went in to eat. She gets EXTREMLY insulted when that happens and frankly who can blame her since she's the only one being put in solitary confinement. I guess thats the big girls one consolation to having a baby sister. Ella has to go in the kennel so they get to stay free roaming in the truck. And they have adjusted to her finally. Even Carlie Jean enjoys rough housing around with her.
Ella's a rather violent girl when it comes to playing....right up Jean's alley. Even Paris gets in on the action sometimes.
We were home Monday for a few hours and I have her a haircut.....holy moly.....I'm not sure who was more tired when we were done, her or me! She sure put up a fight though, and I had waited for her to exhuast herself running around. It was quite a bit different from doing a quick buzz over Carlie and Paris's faces and a spot or two on teh back. Ella was covered in 1/4 inch long fuzz, the results of a weeks worth of hair growing. She's already fuzzy again. I'll have to take a before and after picture for you next time I shave her...which will be soon cause she's alreay got that five o'clock shadow so to speak.
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. The demon starting to stir so I'd better get to work on those ears.
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November 22, 2008
Other Stuff From Home
Well actually at the point where he saw it, it was a big white bubble. This was taken after he cut it with a knife to let the water drain out of it. You see, it would seem that the kitchen sink was plumbed with copper and the pipes had corroded to the point where they finally cracked....while we were gone. In fact it was so small a crack it took us a couple of hours for us to figure out where the water was coming from. A big clue was when I was standing by the kitchen sink and mentioned that I didn't remember the seam of two of the boards being sharp, at which point Malcolm got this "dread" look on his face, came over and pushed on the boards, and water seeped up between the seams. Lovely! So not only the ceiling in the basement, but water under the wood floors in the kitchen. Fortunatly the insurance covers it. The adjuster came out on Tuesday to look at it and estimated it to be about $7500 worth of damage, unless the sub-floors are also bad. We won't know that until we rip up the floors, but he said just let him know and they'll take care of them too. The joys of home ownership....
On a brighter note, I finished my book while I was home. So here's another recommendation from me.
This was kind of a long read, but I really enjoyed it. It's also recommended by Opra, and most of her recommendations are worth reading. Check it out sometime.
November 21, 2008
Ella's Home
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November 20, 2008
Back on the Road
Came home to a little problem with the house...more on that later. And since that kind of killed our "couple days off to relax," we took a couple more days off to relax. And since we'd been there that long, Malcolm said we'd just stay home long enough for me to pick up Ella, instead of having Rachelle pick her up. And after I picked her up on Monday night, we took a couple more days off, just because....and then this morning we hit the road again.
We've hooked up to a reefer again and are heading to LA with a load of flour.
Ella's adorable. I have a few pictures, but havn't gotten them on the computer yet. I'll get that done ASAP so you can meet her officially. She's really quite the little spit fire when she gets going, which isn't too often since she sleeps a lot. But when she's good and awake, like this morning, she tears around like a maniac. Paris and Carlie weren't too sure about her to begin with. It took a few days, but Paris is pretty cool with her now, even got down out of bed this morning to tear around with her. Carlie on the other hand is in denial. Refuses to look at her, spent the whole first day trying to stay on the other side of the room from her, and generally mopes around and looks like I've broken her heart. Hope she recovers and gives in to the inevitable soon, cause she's making me feel really guilty. I've noticed though that she's worse when Malcolm is around. When he's been out and its just us girls, Carlie has actually gone over and sniffed Ella, even sorta started to play with her, then remembered "oh yeah...I'm supposed to be acting like its the end of the world." My biggest problem is that neither of the big girls think Ella should get to eat. So we're working on that. Otherwise, things are smoothing out and we're enjoying her, or at least I am.
Talk to you later.
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November 9, 2008
Good Morning
How can a day go wrong, when it starts out like this? I believe it can't. I LOVE my Montana sunrises and sunsets.
This is my current wallpaper on my computer screen.
We loaded yesterday morning, drove to Texas and dropped off the babies this morning around 3:00am. They were tired when we picked them up and ragged looking. Malcolm thinks they must have come through part of that storm too. We got them at the sale barn in Billings though, so we don't really know where they came from. Anyway, they all survived, which was a relief after the last load.
Now we just left Cheyenne, WY heading back north. Malcolm decided, being at the end of his rope, frazzled, worn out, and burnt out, that he wanted a couple days off. So we're going home. And a couple days has progressed to a week. So I guess I'll be gone another week. Not that I'm complaining in the least. I'm going to enjoy my house get my hair done, and just be home.
Hope you all had a great weekend, and enjoy this next week. Ella should be home sometime the beginning of next week. I'll introduce her to you officially as soon as I have her!
Till then....
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November 7, 2008
Finally Delivered
Anyway, we unloaded the calves this morning. We did end up having one die during the trip down, but we were surprised and relieved that it was only one. Malcolm found him down in Wyoming, and tryed to get him up, but he couldn't do it. So Malcolm drug him to the side and propped him up so he wouldn't get trampled. The next time we stopped and checked them he had died. Sad to loose one, but relieved it was just one, and I assure you, he won't be the only livesstock lost in that storm.
So now we're heading back north, and hoping the wind has died down. If not, we won't be going far. We'll have to park and wait it out. If its blowing anything like it was last night, we're way too light with an empty trailer to be driving in it.
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November 6, 2008
On The Move
Only saw one casualty between Sundance and Gillette, but I think it had just happened because the trailer lights were still on. Some poor Prime, Inc driver did a 180 on the east bound side and turned her over in the median. There will be some discount produce somewhere because he threw it all through the roof of his trailer.
Roads are dry and clear, and the wind is storng but at our backs for now. Maybe we can get somewhere now.
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We moved in two stages. First we loaded Malcolm's stuff from the shop into the livestock trailer and on Saturday me, Malcolm, and Rachelle went to our new house and unloaded that. Then we met a friend from Nebraska at the horse sale in Billings. Billings has a big horse sale every month I think, but this was a huge one. It was for three days, and Rachelle and I enjoyed walking around an picking out the horses we were going to buy! (lol...I had a hefty trailer load planned by the time we were done...but you know, there just isn't room for them all so I had to let someone else buy them....too bad.)
Sunday and Monday I packed the house up and we loaded it into our rental truck and hightailed it over to Billings on Wednesday where we unloaded. Then Malcolm's family headed home. By Friday evening we had almost everything put away, at least the important stuff. It was nice to feel settled again. Brandon and his wife Jessica came over to grill steaks and just as were getting ready to eat, the phone rang and it was Steve letting us know he had a load ready for us to pick up at 11:00pm. So, we ate, watched a movie, and then threw our things together and headed out the door. I don't really like leaving rushed like that, but its just the way things go sometimes. We've been barreling down the road ever since, averaging 1000 miles a day.
Well, we were barreling down the road until last night, when Maloclm finally decided that visability was just too low, and since we were the ONLY ones on the road, he felt justified in stopping till morning. And here we still sit, watching the snow blow. They've closed the interstate and the side road we needed to take, and so we're stuck here until further notice in Sundance, WY. Things to do when your stranded in a snow storm in your vehicle....provided its a semi.
a. watch DVD's
b. sleep some more
c. listen to your husband make wierd noises because he's bored out of his mine
d. watch the other truck drivers try to push their way against the wind and snow to get in to the truck stop for coffee
e. get your blog up to date
So here we sit....waiting....and we'll be fine as long as it opens soon. We're just bored. What I'm feeling the worst about is that we are loaded with a bunch of calves. The poor little guys have had to stand back there in the snow and wind, which would have happened anyway, but at least they'd be almost to their new home if we were rolling.
Ok, so thats the news with us. Nothing else is different....oh there goes another truck drive in sneakers tromping through the snow. We heard one guy talking about it as he passed us and proclaiming that "they don't have this kind of stuff in North Carolina." And last night in Dickinson, where it had just started, a guy from Texas had come north through South Dakota. We were apprehensive after seeing his vehicle plastered with snow and hearing him talking about slipping and sliding all the way up here, because we had to go south that way. And you should have heard the Texan...."I only come up here once in a while and I can't wait to get the **** back where I belong. How do you people live with this!"
Its rather humerous, cause this is like, ok inconvenient, but normal stuff. Its not near as impressive to me this year as it was last. Its still exciting, but like not anything out of the ordinary, and I don't feel as intimidated by it....of course, thats provided that Malcolm is the one behind the wheel. I don't drive if its worse than light snow fall. This is a little different from "light snowfall." Its not really heavy snow, but the wind is blowing and the roads are slick because it rained a TON before it started snowing. Not the best situation. And what makes it the most difficult, and the reason the roads are closed, is because the wind. Everything is fine, and then a huge gust comes along and all of a sudden you can't see anything. Everything but shadows of the other truck dissappears. So here we sit.
Stay warm and dry.
Till next time...
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