
July 26, 2009

Sunday Stills: Toys

I'm trying something new. I followed the link on a blog I check occasionally and discovered Sunday Stills. Every week a topic is posted and the challenge is to take a photograph that week that represents the topic. And from what I gather, it can be a literal or imaginative interpretation of the topic. I thought it would be fun. So I'm joining in for a spell to see how it goes.

So this weeks topic was "toys." Here's one of mine, and all of hers.

Meagan, this sounded like something you might like to do too!


Mrs. Stiner said...

Sounds like LOTS of fun! You'll be great at this. I'll have to check it out. I like your first response.

Meagan said...

I want to join in!!!! :-) I will be visiting the site, I just saw the email you sent today but I have been busy getting MY NEW CAR!!!!! (more on that later! stay tuned!)

Ed said...

Very nice! And a BIG welcome to Sunday Stills...Ed
p.s. Drag Meagan along it will be a fun ride, and challenging..:-)