December 31, 2009
Traditional New Years Eve
My family gathers at my brother's house and they do whatever it is they do. They started this tradition after we had moved, so we've not been there for this particular gathering, but it sounds fun.
Lots of people go to parties, or sit up and bring in the new year, but we tend to work through it, since we take time off for Christmas. We always feel pressured to get back to work. If anyone out there thinks being your own employer means less pressure, let me assure you...your wrong! I think we push ourselves a lot more than a "boss" would if we were working for someone else.
Just for kicks I looked back in the log book to see what we were doing/where we were last New Years Eve. It looks like we spent the night in northern Utah, and I got up around 2:00am and drove south on I-15 towards California.
This year, we're continuing in the tradition of being on the road for New Years. Just a little variation. We'll be heading north on I-15 in Nevada. I don't think we'll make the Utah line today. And we'll either be stopping in Baker, CA or closer to Las Vegas. I doubt we'll be sitting up to see in the new year.
We unloaded this morning in Helm, CA and just finished reloading in McFarland, which is just north of Bakersfield, CA. We'll have a leisurely weekend, traveling across the country to Illinois for a Monday delivery. It averages out that we need to drive about 500 miles a day.
Looks like we get to cross the Rockies west of Denver on I-70, something we tend to not do often, but I enjoy the drive and it looks like they're getting a little snow too. Hope it doesn't turn into anything major, as its prone to do in that area.
I'll do my best to get a few pictures of the snowy Rocky Mountains for you. Hope you all enjoy your evening, doing whatever it is you do to bring in the New Year. Stay safe, have fun, and I wish you all many blessings for the year to come!
December 28, 2009
This Christmas
We had a truly wonderful Christmas. It was so nice to be back in Tennessee, to be surrounded by immediate and extended family, and to just be a part of things again. Every time I read my sister's blog, or get emails from her or Mom about a trip they went on together, or a family event that I missed...yet again...I get a little depressed and sad. So it was fabulous to be there for it all this year!
We arrived on Wednesday evening. Our load of DDG from Indiana wasn't scheduled to deliver till Thursday morning, but we had a Christmas party to go to at 10:30 that morning. The place we were delivering told us if we made it there by 9:00pm on Wednesday they would unload us, and so we flew to Chattanooga and arrived at 5:00pm eastern time. We were so proud! We were going to unload and still have time to make it to my Dad's restaurant for dinner! But the place we were delivering informed us upon our arrival that they were full. There was no more bin space and so we'd have to come back in the morning and maybe they would have room. Maybe? We weren't going to chance missing the family Christmas gathering on a maybe. So we drove on to my Dad's enjoyed dinner, spent four wonderful days with the family, and delivered the junk this morning. And you know what? We were the first truck to empty out, and the truck behind us was out of luck, because as soon as they got the DDG off our truck, their bins were full again. What a deal!
Ok, that's enough jabbering for now. I'm put up some pictures for you, and then be on my way for the day.
The girls are exhausted. Paris had a good time, but Ella is still afraid of my Mom's Pomeranian, and Carlie Jean just can't take anything out of the ordinary, not to mention so many people. If she had would be falling out by the fist fulls right now. They were very much ready to go back to work, but I think they were the only ones.
My niece, Bentlee, and Paris bonded. Bentlee said they were best friends. She spent a good portion of the time carrying Paris around. At first, Paris LOVED it, but later, I noticed that she tended to head in the other direction when she saw Bentlee heading her way.
Christmas Eve we had a family Wii time. It was fun, and entertaining to see all these adults getting so worked up over a video game. (notice Bentlee is still lugging Paris around?)
stalking his prey
That's my sister-in-law, Sarah, on the right. She was fiddling with a toy Bentlee got for Christmas, while the guys were hunting. I think Dad ended up with the better score.
I liked so many of these last shots, I posted more than I ought to have. Bentlee and Mom love to play with their American Girl dolls. Mom started Bentlee's fetish several years ago by giving her a Bitty Baby for Christmas. Now there are lots of "Bitty Babies" and even a "Bitty Baby room." Its gotten so crowded in there that the night before they had finally disassembled the twin size guest bed and moved it out to make more room for Bitty Baby playing.
Bentlee's favorite game, it seems, is playing teacher and when she wasn't teaching all us grown ups something, then she was in the Bitty Baby room playing teacher with all the goodies Mom has supplied her.
The evenings lesson was on currency, appropriate for Christmas Eve, considering we were all broke at this point.I think Kitty gave a wrong answer.
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December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas
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December 21, 2009
Winner of the Christmas Gift
Anyway, I got Malcolm to draw a name out of the hat this morning for my Christmas gift, and he drew (drum roll)....
Small Farm Girl!
SFG, if you could email me your address at
and I'll get that in the mail to you just as soon as I can. I hope you enjoy the book and bookmark. The story is very touching.
I had planned to catch you all up to date on the last few days, but after the whole log book thing, I'm feeling a little deflated. So....I'm going to put that off till tomorrow or maybe later today. Enjoy the day and the count down to Christmas!
December 16, 2009
A Christmas Gift

Here's what you need to do. Simply leave a comment on the next post telling me what your favorite Christmas ornament on your tree is, and if you don't have a tree, then which of my pictured ornaments did you like most?
This will be my last post till Monday, so you have till then to comment. And on Monday morning I'll draw a name and post the winner, so check back on Monday to see if your getting the gift. Make sure you leave your name on your comment, as some of them are really vague. Like if your name is Susie on your comment ID, please mention that you are Susie Q, or something like that. And anyone is welcome. You don't have to be on my followers list to be drawn.
Hope you have a great weekend and I'll see you Monday.
Now scroll down to the next post to see my Christmas ornaments.
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December 15, 2009
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree
In 1999 (?) I took a year off from college and worked, trying to figure out what I was doing with my life and what kind of career I wanted. I still haven't quite figured that out. However, a lot of good things came out of that year, including traveling too Europe and spending a month with my friend from Bratislava, Slovak Republic and also a week in Glasgow, Scotland with another friend. Barbora, Louise, and I met while working at a Girl Scout camp one summer, and have continued to stay in touch over the years. We all three hope to have a reunion of sorts one of these days either over here, or in Europe somewhere. They have both made second trips to the states, and I got to meet Barbora and her husband on one of those trips, but missed Louise this summer. She and her hubby and kids went to Florida, and even though I had traveled to Tennessee at the same time, we were not able to get together due to time constraints.
Malcolm and I were married in July of 2002. I don't remember where we got the gourd, but Malcolm, who is forever creating things, took some wire and his pocket knife and made me this bird house ornament.
The next two are my newest ornaments. I found this one on a shopping trip in Nashville with my mom and sister while I visited in July...
Many people have themed trees, or trees that compliment their decorating style. Each and every tree, regardless of how it is decorated, is always beautiful to me. My tree has always been a hodge podge of ornaments, each representing events and people from in my life, or other things that are significant to me. There are 32 years worth of memories on my tree, and each one is precious.
December 14, 2009
At Home in the South
My granny, Jessie Stiner, hard at work in the kitchen at Couch's BBQ!
(one of my favorite pictures...Dad sitting at the counter. By the way, this counter still presides over the place in almost the same location...and I remember those floor tiles which didn't change till Dad remodeled several years ago.)
Dad worked for Will and Agnes through high school, and later bought the place from his aunt and uncle. A number of years ago, the building was remodeled, enlarged a bit, and a new updated kitchen installed.
But its still the small, family run business that its always been, with my Dad now at the helm, and my brother acting as assistant manager. And though new customers have found their way to its doors, there are still a lot of customers that have been coming here for decades. The restaurant is kind of hidden on the old highway that traveled from Cleveland, TN to Chattanooga. Before the interstate changed things, this was the route everyone traveled. Now its just a side road, and unless your lost or coming here specifically, as many do, you probably wouldn't ever find it. (see our truck and trailer in the background. Just enough room for us to squeeze in.)
There's a new extended menu, with more to appeal to the masses, but the traditional stuff is still the most popular. Its what people come for miles to get. There have even been some who have called from California and other locals wanting it shipped to them to satisfy their cravings.
My personal favorite....a BBQ sandwich with cole slaw.
Yummy....I'm getting hungry just looking at it!
I worked here in high school and college. It was a great place to spend my time, to learn responsibility, and I had a great boss too!
I always follow the sandwich up with a piece of pie. Dad makes the pies himself. Its a hard choice between coconut cream, or chocolate cream. This time Mom and I were going to split a piece of chocolate. I made the mistake of going to take a few pictures before the pie came, and when I returned, Mom told me I better order my own piece. She'd almost finished our "shared" piece. No problem...I wanted a whole one anyway.
In my excitement, I forgot to get a picture before I started eating it. Sorry for the missing bites! Up till a few years ago, all Dad's coke products were served in a bottle. They installed the machine for fountain drinks a few years ago, but they still order enough bottled drinks for those who might want one for old times sake.
We returned for dinner that night at which point I enjoyed a BBQ stuffed baked potato, a popular menu item that was laughingly named the "couch potato." I left the camera at home though, so you'll have to use your imagination. And, I'll guiltily admit, I took a piece of coconut cream pie home to enjoy later that evening. I know...two pieces of pie and its not even Christmas. But I only get this stuff a handful of times out of the year now! I have to stock up!
If your in the area I encourage you to look them up. Its well worth it. I know my opinion is biased, so do me and my Dad a favor. Stop somewhere in Cleveland or Ooltewah and ask if its worth going to. Chances are the person will know about Couch's and give you a raving revue. Its a little out of route, but well worth the extra miles and minutes.
Couch's BBQ is at
8307 Old Lee Highway in Ooltewah, TN
And this is totally unrelated, but too cute not to share. Sunday afternoon Dad thought he'd sit by the fire and enjoy a Little Debbie. He was suddenly the most popular person in the house!
December 11, 2009
Can I Sleep Now?
We're in Columbia, SC unloading.
We nearly killed ourselves to get here, so that we wouldn't have to sit in Columbia over the weekend. And right now, all we want to do is go to bed and sleep in Columbia all weekend and half of next week. Was it worth it to get here and unload? I really don't know. We could have puttered along, stopped in Chattanooga spending the weekend with family, and delivered Monday morning. But I guess we feel compelled to make up for all the down time with our truck's injuries and feeling under the weather.
We set a new record for ourselves. Back in the day when we did a lot of cross country trips, we could average 1400 miles in 24 hours if we had to.
We fueled in Billings, MT on Thursday morning at 12:45am, and fueled south of Nashville, TN at 12:45am on Friday morning. That's 1,602 miles in 24 hours. So now you know you can, if you have to, get from Billings to Nashville in a little less than a day, though I wouldn't know why you HAD to do that.
So, anyway, don't know where we're going next, but hope its a leisurely trip with time to sleep...a lot!
Hope you all have a good weekend..a nice slow, restful one!
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December 9, 2009
Apple Cinnamon Spice Ornaments
Next, sprinkle some cinnamon on the surface your using to roll your dough. Mine didn't stick too much, so it didn't take much extra cinnamon.
Roll the dough out to no less than 1/4", and cut out the shapes with the cookie cutters. The recipe says it makes 12 large ornaments. I guess it meant really large, because I ended up with more than 2 dozen.
Use a pencil or small straw to poke a hole in each ornament. Keep in mind that they are going to shrink some as they dry, so you need to hole to be large enough.
The original recipe says to dry them on cooling racks for 3-4 days, turning frequently.
I stuck mine in the food dehydrator, and they were done in a few hours. I don't know if this changes the potency of the aroma, but I was leaving the next day, so I wasn't going to be there to turn them. They still smell wonderful, and it was a lot easier this way.
Once they were dry, I took a nail to clean out the holes of any residue. Then take a piece of fine sand paper to clean up the edges. Use decorative ribbon to make a hanger, and voila....Apple Cinnamon Spice Ornaments.
You can use these plain, as Mom did, but you can also decorate them. Brush some glue on them and sprinkle glitter to make them sparkle. I read on one version that they were painting them. I'm thinking how cute they would be outlined with some kind of puffy white paint as if they had icing piped on them, like cookies.
Anyway, I'm not using them this year, but next year I plan to put up a small tree in my kitchen and decorate it with food ornaments. I'm going to use these, string some popcorn and cranberries, and maybe a few other things as the ideas come to me.
They were really easy to make, add the sweet aroma of cinnamon to your tree, and last for years to come. I love Christmas and I love decorating with home made creations. Check back with me next Wednesday for another Christmas post about my Christmas ornament collection. I'm going to share some of my favorites with you from a lifetime collection.
Until then, I hope you are all having fun sprucing up the house for Christmas and staying warm and dry. We're heading to South Carolina, and looks like we'll be traveling behind that mid-west storm, provided they get the roads in Iowa back open.