West of Austin, TX.
Between Abilene and Lubbock, TX.
We missed the big one, but from what I hear its a mess. Interstate closed in Cheyenne, trucks stuck, and our friends in Nebraska say its not pretty there either. We're in the cold, but not the big mess, though we did a little snow driving yesterday too!
Yesterday morning when we woke up on the Texas/New Mexico border it was 65 degrees. But things changed quickly. We hit snow in the hills east of Albuquerque

and by that afternoon it was only 32 when we stopped in Grants to have the oil changed.
West of Albuquerque, NM.

Ran through another brief but intense snow shower between Gallup and the Arizona line. That one was fun. It was cold enough and snowing hard enough to cover the road. It amuses me that it takes a couple snow storms before people get back in the swing of things. Even the big trucks were creeping along at 40mph. The road wasn't so much an issue as the wind shield was. We hadn't added
icer yet and the windshield froze over. Made it rather difficult to see where the road ended and the ditch began.
Its 27 this morning as we approach Flagstaff. Brr! The girls did not appreciate it when I drug them out of bed and put clothes on them. Not how they want to start their day.

Flagstaff is nestled up there in those hills. Its a climb up to it, and a drop off the other side to move on west. Arizona is far more diverse than people think. So much of it is desert, but in reality it hosts multiple types of desert, from sand dunes, to rocky sage country. And Flagstaff is its own little eco-system up there in the hills. Its often cool when the rest of the state is scorching under 3 digit temperatures. After driving across all the miles of sage, cedar shrubs, red rock and dirt, its refreshing to be surrounded by pine forests and breath the mountain air.

We don't know what we're doing from here. Hopefully Mark will have a nice load with lots of miles and a high rate for us. We need something like that to make up for the past 6 days. Keep your fingers crossed!

Just pulled in to Nestle Purina to make our delivery. It's 20 degrees, but at least the sun is shining! It's a beautiful morning in Flagstaff!